Replacement Vehicles Electric Vehicle Fleet
We have a wide range of fleet vehicles available for short term, spot hire, all over the UK. Whether you need a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) or a transit or other light commercial vehicle (LCV upto 3.5tonne) we can help. We have fully compliant replacement vehicles suitable for every capacity you need.
Electric Vehicle Fleet
Car derived EV van
Short wheel based EV panel van
EV transits (all sizes)
3Ts (tool hire specification vehicles)
3.5tonne MWB EV panel van
3.5tonne LWB EV panel van
3.5tonne high top EV panel van
3.5tonne ext. panel 4m EV van
3.5tonne EV with penny lift
3.5tonne EV Luton
3.5tonne EV Luton tail lift
3.5tonne EV low loader box
Direct Vision Compliant Vehicles
12tonne dropside
12tonne dropside with hook
18tonne box
18tonne box tail lift
18tonne curtain
18tonne curtainside tail lift
18tonne dropside
18tonne dropside with hook
18tonne dropside brickgrab
18tonne beaver tail
18tonne tipper
18tonne hook loader skip
18tonne gully tanker
26tonne box
26tonne box tail lift
26tonne curtain
Direct Vision Compliant Vehicles
26tonne curtainside tail lift
26tonne curtainside with Moffett frame
26tonne curtainside complete with Moffett
26tonne dropside
26tonne dropside hook
26tonne dropside brickgrab
26tonne dropside Moffett
26tonne beaver tail
26tonne tipper
26tonne tipper clam shell bucket
26tonne tipper clam shell bucket
26tonne gully tanker
32tonne tipper
32tonne tractor unit
44tonne tractor unit
44tonne articulated with crane

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