Replacement Vehicles
by special features & attachments
We have a wide range of fleet vehicles available for short term, spot hire, all over the UK. Whether you need a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) or a transit or other light commercial vehicle (LCV upto 3.5tonne) we can help. We have fully compliant replacement vehicles suitable for every capacity you need.
Penny lift
5tonne with penny lift
Tail lift
5tonne Luton tail lift
5tonne dropside tail lift
5tonne box tail lift
5tonne curtainside tail lift
5tonne dropside tail lift
18tonne box tail lift
18tonne curtainside tail lift
26tonne box tail lift
26tonne curtainside tail lift
We can help you replace your Moffett (or other truck mounted forklifts)
26tonne curtainside with Moffett frame
26tonne curtainside complete with Moffett
5tonne dropside with hook
12tonne dropside with hook
18tonne dropside hook
26tonne dropside hook
26tonne dropside brick grab
26tonne dropside Moffett (or other truck mounted forklifts)
Clam shell
26tonne tipper clam shell bucket
32tonne tipper clam shell bucket
5tonne caged tipper
5tonne caged tipper
Skip loader
18tonne hook loader skip
We can help you replace your HIab (or other truck or lorry mounted cranes).
44tonne articulated with crane
Specialist carrier
3Ts (tool hire specification vehicles)
5tonne glass carrier
5tonne glass carrier
Box trailer
Curtainside trailer
Curtainside trailer with Moffett
Curtainside trailer with Moffett frame
Double deck trailer
Dropside trailer
Urban trailer

Access the UK’s largest rental supply chain